2 hours later, the clock turned 3:57 PM. Rain, Heather, and Juliette were still in the waiting room wanting to go inside Bailey's room to go see her. "We've been here for 2 hours already. When are we going to see Bailey?" Rain asked out loud. A doctor came up to him and said,"Our patient, Bailey Fox will be available in a couple of minutes. Please stand by." Rain looked at Heather. Heather smiled a little. Shane came in through the doors and Juliette jumped on her feet and ran to hug him. "Shane!" she screamed. They hugged and then when Heather and Shane both looked at each other, they had an awkward moment. "Hey." Shane said. Shane spread his arms wide open for a hug. Heather gave him a quick hug and smiled. Rain did this "difficult to learn" handshake with him and stepped back. "Wow, you should of seen those line of cops asking me a bunch of questions." Shane told them. "So what is one of them you remembered?" Juliette asked firmly. "One of them asked me what Bailey did while she got her abuse, I said that she was screaming."Shane replied with a sad face. Rain shared an upside down smile with him. "Excuse me, are you guys trying to find... um... Bailey Fox?" a nurse asked. "Yea." Heather said. "Let me take you there. This way please." she replied. Rain held Heather's hand all the way until they got in front of Bailey's hospital room. The nurse opened it and walked away. Bailey woke up when she heard foot steps come near her. When she turned her head to the left where her friends were, she smiled. "Guys," she whispered dramatically. They looked at her with their eyes filling up with water. "I love you all." Heather was the first one to burst into tears. Bailey hugged her and told her everything will be okay. "No, it won't. You are going to be in a foster home away from us. And we will probably never get to see you." Heather said. Bailey cried with her. "I know. But, I will tell my foster parents to go take me here so I can see you, Rain, Juliette, and Shane. You know that our friendship will never end and it won't stop because of my dad. I am finally safe and there is nothing no one can do about it." Bailey replied. All the friends hugged her. "We love you so much Bailey." Juliette blurted out. Bailey smiled of joy and depression all at the same time. "I love you guys too." she said. Rain smiled. They all stepped back for space. "Well, Bailey we got to get going." Juliette said. "Yea, and my mom will wonder where I am with Rain since she knows we are going out now." Heather added. "Really?" Bailey smiled. Shane felt lonely. Bailey did also. But no way are they getting together! I mean, they are friends! What is up with them being friends then just being together. Psh! No... Besides, Bailey is off to Toronto, Canada.
Uhh yea,
Leilah here.... Just wanted to say that I will be posting up post randomly since my computer has been acting dumb and also because I have been busy so much. Sorry for that. It's a misunderstanding if you think I don't care of this story anymore. I care because I want to please my readers.
Leilah here.... Just wanted to say that I will be posting up post randomly since my computer has been acting dumb and also because I have been busy so much. Sorry for that. It's a misunderstanding if you think I don't care of this story anymore. I care because I want to please my readers.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Lenox Hill Hospital
story written by Leilah = LoVE♥ at 12:48 PM
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OMG I haven't left a comment on here in a whileee ... bad Megan! Baaaaaad Megan!!!
On Heather and Rain ... FINALLY!!! YAYS! On Bailey ... she's off to WHERE?!?!?! OH NOES!!!
OMG write more soon please!!! Your story rocks!!!
~ MeGaN
<33 =D
To Canada?? WHOA!! I hope they can still see eachother though. I don't like sad stories. This is kind of sad. But I still like it. Im glad she's away from her dad though. That's good.
wow i hate long distance realtionships they suck for some people :)
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